Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our New House - Part 6

Sorry it's been so long since I posted updates on the house.  It's been a bit of a crazy month.  We are in the home stretch now....siding is complete, the porch is done, insulation went in last week, and they started drywall yesterday.  Here are some new pics of our work in progress:o)

A view of the front
From the side
Rear view
The living room

                                                                           The foyer
                                                                  The Master Bedroom
Evan looking at the cows:o)

Will post again after drywall is done!!! Hope this finds everyone well:o)

Rob and Brandy

1 comment:

  1. The casa looks beautiful Brandy!!! I'm so jealous! Can't wait to see pictures when it is all done :)

