Friday, March 11, 2011

Bilateral Braces All Around - Part 2

On Monday, Evan began limping on his right foot.  He also began waking up throughout the night crying and pointing to the foot.  As the week wore on, the limping has gotten progressively less pronounced and with Tylenol, he is complaining less throughout the night.  Just in case, I decided to bring him in to our pediatrician to get it checked out and be sure nothing is broken in his foot.  She noticed a little swelling in the foot and sent us to the hospital for x-rays.  It took us 45 minutes to get 6 measley images from the crazy child.  The first 4 I attempted on my own, holding his top half down with the weight of my body and positioning the foot under the X-ray with my hands.  I had sweat literally dripping down my back from wrestling him.  You would have thought he was a grown man as hard as it was for me to hold him down.  The last 2, I finally gave in and asked for some help and we got the images we needed.  Anyway, results STILL aren't in.  I should know by the end of the day today.  Even if there is no break, I am still pretty sure that the roll-in of that right foot caused an injury of some kind.  That said, my husband and I decided to get another opinion from a Children's Hospital doctor.  Our appointment is scheduled for Tuesday.  The boys' scheduled appointment to get casts made of the legs so they can both get their braces is on Wednesday so I was relieved when the Children's doctor was able to get us in before that day. 

On the Owen front, I also decided to get another opinion from a podiatrist.  I figure podiatrists are orthopedics specifically for the feet.  After doing research on the topic of toe walking, I found that most children diagnosed with idiocratic toe walking at his age are casted for 4 weeks and then put in braces.  I read that many doctors believe that bracing isn't effective unless lead by casting.  I just want to make sure we are dotting our I's and crossing our T's.  Unfortunately, we weren't able to get him in for that appointment until Thursday (after the brace appointment) but I figure, he will be in them eventually....whether first casted and then braced or braced from the get-go.

Also, in my research, I found pictures of the braces that the boys will (as of now) be wearing for the better part of summer.  Owen's will look like these:


Evan's will look like these:

About mid-week, I got really upset about the whole situation.....just overwhelmed I suppose.  Since then, I have had to keep reminding myself that my children are relatively healthy children and I should be thankful for that.....things could be so much worse! 

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