Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ryan is Going Bye Bye:o(

I got some bad news yesterday! I have been watching my cousin's little boy, Ryan, since August.  However, we found out his mommy is pregnant again (woopsie) and with our plans to try and have another baby at the end of the year, we decided it would probably be best if I didn't watch Ryan and the new little one after August.  Well, with that news, Ryan's mom, Louise, applied at the Daycare center on the Navy base where she works just hoping to get in by September....well he got in and he starts there on February 14:o( Which means, I only get to keep him for another week or so and then I have to hand him over to someone else:o( I took advantage of this wonderful weather we are having today and took the boys outside for one last photo shoot with Ryan included.  I sure will miss this little man!

 I cut off a bit of his little hand but he was waving in this picture...a trick he started doing just yesterday.

                                                     Owen's picture of Evan and Ryan:o)
                                                               Owen's baby blues:o)

                                                        My litte cutie, Evan.  AKA - Powder
                                                       Ryan taking a ride in the car.

          Evan trying to put the helmet on Ryan before taking him for a spin.  Evan's motto is safety first before I torture you.

Ryan trying desperately to get the helmet off while Evan gives him a ride:o)

Owen's turn to give him a spin....this time Ryan gets to go backward.

I will miss this little guy:o(...and my kids will miss torturing the poor thing...hahahaha!

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