Sunday, June 12, 2011

My baby is 4!

I'm a little late in posting about this but I swear between the crazy month that was May and being sick, this is the first I have been able to sit down and really catch up!  Owen turned 4 on May 11.  We had a party for him on May 7 at the Calvert Marine Museum.  Because of Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney Channel, he wanted a pirate party.  And, even though he's never even been on a boat (I know...I'm ashamed to admit that since we live in St. Mary's County surrounded by water), we decided the Tennyson charter boat trip was the best thing to make his little dream come true:o) I found a great deal on pirate costumes on and got costumes for each of his friends to wear on the boat trip.  All the children had a blast on the boat but you could tell the little boys especially had so much fun pretending to be pirates.  After the boat trip, all the kids got to go inside the museum to explore the kid zone as well as tour the museum exhibits.  We had cake in between the boat trip and the museum outside at the picnic area.  Fun was had by all and Owen will most certainly remember this birthday forever:o) I just can't believe my baby is 4 already.  I swear I feel like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and here he is about to start pre-school........unbelievable!  Here are some of the pics we took that day!

                                               All the kiddos dressed up before the boat trip.
                                     Singing happy birthday to Owen before leaving the dock.
     A perfect circle of rainbow around the sun.  Owen said this was God telling him Happy Birthday:o)
                                                                    My baby and I.
                                                             Owen with Mommy and Daddy
                                                                     An osprey's nest
                                                  Owen even got a fly-over for his birthday:o)
                                                   Owen the pirate looking for his treasure.
                                                                     The whole crew.
                                              All the kids digging into their treasure chests.                            
Evan has entered the party! He wasn't invited to the boat part because the idea of Evan on a boat terrifies me....haha!
                                          Evan's super awesome pirate cake lovingly made by his Aunt Pam.
                                                           Blowing out his candles:o)
                                                                  Babcia and her boys.
       And this is an example of why Evan on a boat terrifies me....the guy behind the tank said that no child had ever stood up like that before.....leave it to Evan!
                                                                    The birthday boy!
                                     Learning about fossils from one of the archaeologists at the museum.
                                                    Charlotte was stunned...and a little scared.
Looking at the sting rays:o)

Happy Birthday to my little man! Mommy and Daddy love you more than you know!

Our New House - Part 6

Sorry it's been so long since I posted updates on the house.  It's been a bit of a crazy month.  We are in the home stretch now....siding is complete, the porch is done, insulation went in last week, and they started drywall yesterday.  Here are some new pics of our work in progress:o)

A view of the front
From the side
Rear view
The living room

                                                                           The foyer
                                                                  The Master Bedroom
Evan looking at the cows:o)

Will post again after drywall is done!!! Hope this finds everyone well:o)

Rob and Brandy